Sunday, March 3, 2019


Getting away from the island shore, the party uneasily gets aware that the bottom of the lake holds undead, undead that stand one next to each other, very still, under the water… almost looking like stone warriors… their hands reaching up but frozen in that action. An eerie bluish glow emanates from the eyes, allowing the adventurers to identify the humanoid shapes as once human… They never moved. The raft kept going until the distance from the undead army was evident, as well as it was evident that they were heading to the deeper areas of the lake… The horizon always covered by the thick swirling mists. Dark area under the water. Pitch black. The shadow moved from the front to under the raft. This creature with over 30 tentacles, expanded under the raft and started trying to snatch the party. The party managed to cut off over 20 tentacles and the creature backed off for now.

RETURN TO THE ISLE Bushes with goodberries.

 BACK TO THE QUEST Luc sighting lizardfolk and fishing traps. Trees and tree humanoids attack. Walking over fallen tree. surrounded by crocodiles and snakes.

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