Sunday, March 3, 2019


Deciding to leave the shores, you slowly head towards the waters ahead. Mists swirl, not allowing you to see beyond the horizon. The stillness of the waters is suddenly broken by a rush of water followed by giant crocodile maws that opened up expanding as a boa’s maw would, trying to gulp anyone from the rafters.  It missed. The creature went on to bang the raft making it tumble in the water, everyone managed to get a tight hold on the raft. The creature backed off and then swam very fast, jumping over the raft trying to knock over anyone in the group… They could now appreciate that the head of the creature resembled the head of a giant crocodile, the body was long and thick as a boa and it had 12 stout legs as giant turtles has them, six on each side. The underbelly was light blue, while the upper side had hues varying from dark brown to dark blue, embedded with the wrinkles and ripples of a crocodile’s skin.

Muddy shore clearing. As they dock the ramp, humanoid creatures take shape from the ground. After barely escaping them, they reached another side of the isle which had a small path towards the inner area. As they followed the path, they found the druidic stone circle that surrounds one titanic willow that stands proud at its center. From its roots, the body of the lady of the swamp rises. Cures Sir Fred and everyone else. Sends them off, advises they head NW and beware of the mysterious reptilian folk.

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