Monster Hunter
Branded Giogoto by the tribe that had sheltered his family, Kelar was sent out to seek a Vistani who had lost his way back into the tribe. Kelar is a young halfbreed that has a striking resemblance to his elven father, yet the olive skin color of his mother. He has a keen interest in his father's trade and his mother's art. Cautious and curious, Kelar is always quick to find his scimitar if in trouble.

Kelar's quest has not come to fruition as he met a group of adventurers that defied the odds and helped the small town of Marais D'Tarascon. Kelar is not from that town, and is fairly disgusted by the unexpected swampland and humidity. Still, he trusts the mists have sent him where he is needed the most. 

The humans of Marais are very superstitious, and seeing him as Vistana proved to be a hindrance when trying to gather information about murders. His reputation changed towards tolerance after provig himself useful defending the town from undead during the foreseen night of the red moon where the undead rose and tried taking over the town under commands from the zombie lord, Marcel Tarascon. 

Kelar's personal quest has been halted for long, as his involvement helping the town folk sent him into the wild and unexplored swamps of Souragne, looking for children that were taken by forces of evil. Surviving seeing beauty in darkness, and trying his best to move on from madness and voices in his head, Kelar's fate is a wild card facing the unknown.


Born and raised in Evereska, Agis was recruited by the Circle to find out a way to stop undead from appearing in the nearby forest. something strange has been happening for long, and the Circle believes that there may be some kind of entrance to a land that is not natural. Its corrupted denizens have been plaguing the forest and the few in charge of scouting have not come back. 

Agis went on to scout, and had picked up a trail that seemed to belong to elven folk. Going deep into the forest, he found himself surrounded by a thick heavy mist. After feeling as if his breath were taken away by the mist, Agis managed to find a trail in which the mist seemed to grow thinner. His senses immediately alarmed him, as he was no longer in his familiar forest, but surrounded by trees typical of swamp lands.

The smell of wet miasma and the insistent buzzing of cicadas pierced his ears. The sound of water splashing called his attention, and as he went on to check what created that sound, he identified that there were much human remains around the swam floor mainly half buried in the mud. The trees made him feel uneasy. There was life, but the kind of life that the Circle warned him about... the kind that his most beloved god Kelemvor despised naming them abominations. Kelemvor, God of Death and the Dead, inspired him to go on... Undead were his favorite enemy, and he felt eager to find them and destroy them.

Agis has a good heart, and keeps hope that his lost people will be found... He also hopes to find his way home, as by now he has realized he is not within the lands of the real world... 

Ghosthunter Paladin of Ezra
Family killed by vampires when he was a yound boy. Taken in by a group of Clerics of Mordent, a wholly good sect of the god Ezra. Years passed by in the monastery where the Ezran clerics taught Fred the virtues of honesty, integrity, and loyalty. Gathered different types of knowledge versus undead based on Van Ritchen work and personal research. Ezra granted him strength that complimented his knowledge, so he decided to go into the world and use his strength to rid the lands of the evil that was in it.

Sir Fredirich has been forced to face undead, and was successful in helping Marais D'Tarascon survive. Still, his flesh faced burning fire, and although healed he now fights the feeling of burning, or dying by fire. In his desire to defeat evil and the enemy, the land was able to taint his heart because of mindless vindictiveness. Not knowing that innocents were falling under his blade, the Paladin now bears a curse imposed by the land. Acknowledging how evil rooted within him, he now is quested to right his wrong and lift his curse.

Presenting herself as a drunken jack of all trades, Pheara was sent to Tarascon to find out the wherabouts of Duncan D'Lute, a trader businessman from Port delHour. She comes from the capital of Souragne, a place where money buys privilege and power. Free slaves rise as a merchant class, some of them with slaves of their own. Many factions clash everyday in the streets of Port Del'Hour, and it is common news to have people of foreign lands arriving to settle by force. Of course, the only way for success is playing the political game. Iron subtlety is a most effective enslaver, and a profitable way of living.

Pheara has deep beliefs, and her clergy maintains secrecy on their true motives. She uses magic, a skill learned from other lands, but knows not to use magic in Sourange as the folk have warned her of the wrath of the Lord of the Dead if he gets his eye on her. Pheara seems defiant and irreverent, but she has managed to prove that beyond the frivolous drunken exterior there is courage to do what is right... once in a while. 


aka "Groundel the Ugly"

Beldwar was raised as a dwarf from the mines north of Mirabar, taken in as one of their own. 

An apprentice blacksmith, the half-orc's gentle demeanor hides a warrior from Ironmaster!

His most striking feature is his height. Beldwar stands 6'7". 

Priest of Osiris
The son of a small clan (the Greywolf's), he was tutored by the priests of Osiris from a young age. As his mother was victim to a necromancer (since defeated) and his undead minions, he vowed to pursue the undead as well as those that utilize them.  After years of study and tutelage he goes out to cleanse the lands of undead.

MOONFOX | Coriolis

BILBO | Victor