Tuesday, August 18, 2020


Returning to the village of the lizard folk granted a much-needed rest. The acolyte and lesser shaman, Rhask and JinkJink, helped shaman Quazky preparing and applying medical herbs to the human, the elf and the Vistana. Of the lizard folk warriors, only one made it. And the young human seemed rather disturbed with thoughts of legend and lore. Shaman Brucian greeted everyone in the mess hall, but only speaks to the adventurers when they handle being separate from the lizard folk. He is very concerned about Luc and fears that something is up. When asked about what it meant when Luc kept saying “Libert’e”, he grows grim and explains:

“Libert’e, rumors of Libert’e… The common… the oppressed… The dreams of true equality and freedom… Dreams humans pursue when they have always lived enslaved… Enslaved to the material, enslaved to plantations, enslaved to Loas… enslaved to the Lord of the Dead.

Libert’e lies somewhere in the mists… A land of peace, freedom and long lost friends who awaits for you… Legends say you must have suffered like no other and found a special protective amulet before you dream of a safe path towards it… Humans fell to the Merrshaulky, but some wandered the swamps as part of that quest… finding Libert’e… They looked, too far, too deep… And here we are”.      

 The lizard folk in the village keep to themselves. Shaman Quazky is very concerned as the leader of the lizard folk wants the humans gone. The lizard folk is starting to prepare to move on from the location as it has been compromised by the presence of the humans.

The people rescued from the Merrshaulky are still asleep. The Coup Padre effect lasts up to three weeks… Quazky warns the adventurers that they must think of a way to take the humans home, as soon as possible. There are almost 40 humans sleeping in the village right now.

When asked about who their god is, he explains Essylizz is the lizard folk deity. Essylizz is kind and provides nourishment and protection. Sandovor spoke of a snake god that was worshipped many years ago… Sess’inek, a snake god, was worshipped in some ruins that still exist, to the south. The ruins have been emptied. The lizard folk are practical people, and they have taken furniture from the ruins. Those are the furniture around the village, furniture carved with images of snakes. They did not mind the carvings are they are reptilian. Quazky adds “You may find answers in the ruins of ancient Sess’inek. Now, about human dreams… there are rumors of a special amulet found in the hands of the son of suns. I have heard such things… from other travelers, lost. I know not what that means”.

Kelar awakens from his sleep, quite disturbed. He walked through the mists, reaching a gate leading towards what seem an idyllic place. He could glance at people moving and dancing and singing far away. Holding the gates, he saw a figure walking towards him. The figure gets near and is about to open the gate. Kelar recognizes the priest of Osiris that had helped him back in Marais D’ Tarascon, fighting the walking dead: Orion. Orion stood dressed in white robes trimmed in gold. He smiled and extended his arms: “Welcome, my friend! Welcome to Libert’e”

Kelar looked confused. Orion nodded “I do see you found the destination, but not the way. You must find he way, spread the word, get the key. It is real. Libert’e is real. Spread the word. Find the key”.

Kelar repeated” Libert’e…”

Orion smiled again “Yes, my friend, we live on free… forever… in here. But you need the key.

Kelar saw Orion turning around starting to walk away. He kept asking as he went away: “What is the name? What is the name? Say it, say it loud… Say it, my friend”

Kelar screamed: “Libert’e”. He sat, abruptly waking up. He was in a room filled with cots with dormant humans. At his side, shaman Brucian had been changing a bandage in his arm. Brucian smiled, saying in a very low tone “Seems whatever sting you also sting Luc… Quiet… You don’t want to draw more attention to yourself. We have enough to discuss.”

Kelar, Sir Frederich, and Agis decided to go visit the ruins of Sess’inek to see if they could find answers in there. Luc had come to them, letting them know that there may be a way towards the sea if they headed North, a way that may be safer to lead his people through. Upon learning that the others will go check the ruins, Luc wants to go with them, but sir Frederich convinces him not to, because he needs to lookout for his people. Luc thinks about it and then agrees. He would stay with Brucian in Fen, to take care of his people.

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