Friday, July 19, 2019


The lizardfolk helped to take the "sleeping" people to Fen (the lizardfolk village). In Fen, the humans were placed on improvised hay cots. They had been drugged with Copa Padre, and the effects of this plant's white dust can last up to three tendays. The lizardfolk are both curious and suspicious of the human's presence but their shaman has made it clear that they are safe. So far, Kelar, sir Frederich and Agis have not met the lizardfolk leader.

The paladin and the ranger are cursed by the land. They must atone to restore themselves. The head shaman of the lizardfolk, Quazky, revealed that they must seek restitution to break their curses. They have been quested. And placed a warning "7th time the son of suns doth rise to send the knave to an eternity of cries". He suggests finding the young human they must go back to the ziggurat and find the way to the gate that leads to wherever Luc was taken.

Quazky goes with Kelar, sir Frederich, Agis and Pheora. He brings along 4 lizardfolk warriors in case that they are needed. The paladin has caused a deep impact on the warriors and they look forward to finding the great crocodile that lurks the ziggurat.

Upon reaching the Merrshaulk folk village, everything looks as it was left. The village's huts had burned to the ground. The ziggurat's half-constructed shape remained throwing its shade over the village's grounds. The wall of fire that lay between the platform and the ziggurat remained intact, its green flames flickering and dancing, taunting anyone to defy them. Snakes scattered around the area, some not concerning themselves with the visitors.

Quazky went close to check on the wall of flame. He found nothing new, feeling that the gate had closed but somehow a way remained nearby. The party decided to go back to the ziggurat, to the crocodile chamber that lay underneath the level ground... They wanted to confront and kill the giant crocodile that they had left alive and explore the source of the greenish light that they had seen on the walls surrounding the pit.

The group went into a tunnel that Agis had discovered and that they had used to escape. The inner level where they have found a man was empty and had traces of dried blood. They went on to the pit. Kelar went first trying to reach the wall with the source of the green light. A crocodile moved to bit him but missed. The paladin made a deep cut on the creature, and it receded going into the blend of murky water and reptiles. Most of the crocodiles seemed dormant, a few changed their eyes from the dormant membrane to the alert eyesight. Their slithe pupils followed the party as they gathered to look closely at the area that glowed with eerie green shades. The paladin wanted to break the wall in that glowing spot, but the shaman stops him. Quazky walked slowly over the crocodile carpet of the pit, almost hovering over them. Upon reaching the wall he reached the light source with his hand. He closed his eyes for a moment then gravely said "It is alive".


Following the odd tracks, the ranger, the paladin and the Vistana found a hidden village. Short reptilian-like creatures can be seen walking around gathering food or getting others to walk towards a giant ziggurat that appear right behind the village. At the center of the village and right before the ziggurat, a wall of green fire crackles and dances erratically. before the wall, a platform made of stones allows access to a specific plank that seems to reach the flames. The platform is 3 feet high. Over the platform, a group of people stand, without moving. Luc spots Shaman Brucian in the group and goes to him, trying to make him speak. All the people standing have eyes that are fixed and lost into the fire wall. They look very pale but are alive. The breathing is almost imperceptible.

The reptilian people become alert to the new strangers that were trying to hide and attack them. During the fight, Sir Frederich surrenders to bloodlust. The glee for killing the reptilians did not go unnoticed by the Land. Something changed in him, within him. Agis attacked, killing a few reptilians as well. His eagerness to end the reptilians also called the attention of the Land. Bot Sir Frederich and Agis are cursed by the Land. The enticement has begun for them.

A hut was lit in fire, so fire extended around the village really fast. Our four companions took advantage of the commotion (as the reptilians were concerned with the fire), running towards the back of the ziggurat. They managed to get in. The ziggurat is half done. The small reptilians are building it out of stone, and so far, have created 3 levels, and are working on the 4th and the top. On the second floor, they found a little statue that resembled the one that was taken from the lizardfolk village. In the level above they faced Merrshaulky workers. Running from them, they went down the center shaft, ending up in a pit filled with crocodiles in the "floor" and snakes in the walls. One side of the wall gives out a dim greenish light.

The crocodiles were waking up to attack. One crocodile bit Kelar's foot. But then they all took on a formation giving out the feel of a skin floor. After crackling noises and screams, and guttural roars, the giant head of a crocodile peeked from the shaft that came from up above. It looked at them and pounced forward. Its tail still stuck on the shaft, it started to try biting and slashing the companions. Sir Frederich hit him at the base of the head, almost slicing it in half. The creature immediately turned around and left. Trying to follow the creature, the companions went up the shaft, and this time Agis found a secret door thanks to following the tracks and blood trail. They came upon a room in which a man laid in the corner. The man was ripped apart. From there, the trail vanished.

Going back to the second floor, the companions met with Sandover, human with tanned dark skin. dressed in various leather pieces and who demanded them to part. The companions battled Sandover and take him out of the ziggurat, int the village. The Merrshaulk were terrified and gathered around the companions. They threatened to kill their leader, got inside one of the huts that were left standing and questioned Sandover after tying him up. Sandover laughed at them and did not give them any information. Sir Frederich beheaded him.

Upon coming out, the reptilians attacked them since there was no reason to stay at bay. The companions were getting overwhelmed by the reptilians. Midnight arrived, and under the full moon, a gate began to open on top of the flames. Something seemed to be peaking at the whole scene, a giant eye was the only thing that could be spot. Beastlike hands held the gate as if trying to open it side to side. As this happened, the motionless people began moving forward towards the plank facing the fire. The companions tried to attack the eye but failed. Shaman Brucian began stepping towards the plank, and as he was to step into the fire Luc pushed him aside and jumped towards the eye, his dagger ready to strike. A scream of sheer pain was heard all over the swamp. The beastly hands let go of the gate and the gate closed... but as the creature let go, he managed to grasp Luc as he was in the air. The gate closed completely. Luc was gone.


Summary coming up...

Sunday, March 3, 2019


Deciding that crossing the swamp at that point was too dangerous, Sir Fred, Kelar, Agis and Luc decided to go back to the raft and head to the East. On the way they spotted 3 lizardfolk fishing. Upon seeing them, the lizardfolk flee. Eventually they got to a fork that lead to two ways, North or SE. They decided on going North.

The North canal gave in to 3 feet width on each side of the raft. Overgrown mangroves all around, with bamboos behind them almost forming a wall. After a while, paralyzing darts fall upon them. Sir Fred felt this for a second, but his faith dispelled the effect. He covered Luc, Agis and Kelar using his shield. They kept the raft going up North, until no more darts followed them.

A sudden flock of birds came from the Eastern side, and frantic screams were heard. Sir Frederick went on to check who was n danger, and making way through the mangroves and bamboos found a bog and someone familiar drowning on it... Pheara. Using a long mangrove branch, he helped Pheora out. She tells them that small reptiles had ambushed her at the inn, paralyzed her, and made her loose conciousness. she awoke in the swamp, in a camp of humanoid lizardfolk. She managed to escape, and as she ran, fully aware of her being hunted, in her desperation she didn't notice the bog and fell on it. She heard she was to be sacrificed.

The group decides to use Pheara as lure to get the lizarfolk. She plays wounded in the floor while they hide. After a while, someone comes through the bamboos, a slithe female. She speaks asking Pheara if she was ok. Behind her, a bigger man also comes out of the bamboos. Sir Fred recognizes Katrina and Norris. They all meet and ask them how they got there.  Katrina and Norris said they were ambushed by lizardfolk, paralyzed and taken into the swamp. Norris helped her escape. Katrina signals they came from the North and starts guiding them through the path... until she has to stop as she is not feeling well. She says she cannot go on but tells them that the lizardfolk are in a cave nearby. She signals the way. Norris stays with her, while the group goes on.

They reach an area that has a little clearing, and the cave mouth that Katrina had mentioned. They go in, and discover 6 bodies of dead lizardfolk.

As they went deeper into the cave, from the darkness they noticed 8 pairs of amber eyes that glowed as if they had fire behind them. Snake-like faces with long necks moved towards you instantly, their mouths ready to bite. The long necks, each 8 feet long, made them seem as snakes, but the eight heads connected to a body that covered almost the entire cave. The gigantic body of over 15 feet wide and tall made the long necks crouch when attacking.


Getting away from the island shore, the party uneasily gets aware that the bottom of the lake holds undead, undead that stand one next to each other, very still, under the water… almost looking like stone warriors… their hands reaching up but frozen in that action. An eerie bluish glow emanates from the eyes, allowing the adventurers to identify the humanoid shapes as once human… They never moved. The raft kept going until the distance from the undead army was evident, as well as it was evident that they were heading to the deeper areas of the lake… The horizon always covered by the thick swirling mists. Dark area under the water. Pitch black. The shadow moved from the front to under the raft. This creature with over 30 tentacles, expanded under the raft and started trying to snatch the party. The party managed to cut off over 20 tentacles and the creature backed off for now.

RETURN TO THE ISLE Bushes with goodberries.

 BACK TO THE QUEST Luc sighting lizardfolk and fishing traps. Trees and tree humanoids attack. Walking over fallen tree. surrounded by crocodiles and snakes.


Deciding to leave the shores, you slowly head towards the waters ahead. Mists swirl, not allowing you to see beyond the horizon. The stillness of the waters is suddenly broken by a rush of water followed by giant crocodile maws that opened up expanding as a boa’s maw would, trying to gulp anyone from the rafters.  It missed. The creature went on to bang the raft making it tumble in the water, everyone managed to get a tight hold on the raft. The creature backed off and then swam very fast, jumping over the raft trying to knock over anyone in the group… They could now appreciate that the head of the creature resembled the head of a giant crocodile, the body was long and thick as a boa and it had 12 stout legs as giant turtles has them, six on each side. The underbelly was light blue, while the upper side had hues varying from dark brown to dark blue, embedded with the wrinkles and ripples of a crocodile’s skin.

Muddy shore clearing. As they dock the ramp, humanoid creatures take shape from the ground. After barely escaping them, they reached another side of the isle which had a small path towards the inner area. As they followed the path, they found the druidic stone circle that surrounds one titanic willow that stands proud at its center. From its roots, the body of the lady of the swamp rises. Cures Sir Fred and everyone else. Sends them off, advises they head NW and beware of the mysterious reptilian folk.


Kelar used a pole as Luc remained in the lookout trying to be alert for any danger. They found themselves getting weaker and more tired as they went deeper into the swamp stream. A giant tree forked the river in two. As Luc maneuvered to pick one side and pass, Kelar became swept away by branches that started trying to grab him. He was grabbed, found himself in the air, and then he noticed the tree had a giant maw at its core.

As he screamed, arrows swiftly made the branches let go of him. Someone wandering the swamp side kept on showering the tree with arrows. Kelar attacked the tree as well, until it stopped its unnatural movements and fell on one side of the river. His newfound ally stepped forward, a ranger elf named Agys. After exchanging words, Agys decided to stay with the small group while he learned more about the new lands he had wandered in through the mists.

Passing by side forks, too small for persuit using the raft, they reached an opening in the river. To the front the opening of still waters ended up in thick swirling mists. To the right and to the left there were mangroves on the edge as well as thick willows behind them that went us high in the sky. As they decided to go to the right, the way of willow trees began to be replaced by very tall sugarcane.

After a few turns, they found themselves at the shack of ChickenBone. Kelar made a deal with Chickenbone… the old voodan took a string of his hair in exchange for life for Sir Fred, who was mostly dead. Sir Fred woke up, and although weak and burnt, he was back. Chickenbone warned them they could stay the night but be gone at dawn. Colorful frogs started filling the surroundings and the door frame until the morning. When they headed out to get back into the raft they were gone.

Luc doesn’t appear too confident, and keeps looking to the side of the shore and towards the back. The shore has some sort of stationed net, and Luc keeps sayig he sees something or someone that hovers on the waters then vanishes. The group decided it could be some type of fishing/hunting ground. Finding a clearing from the mangroves, Kelar and Agys decide to jump in and check the area. The search reveals ruins hidden under moss, thick vines and swamp foliage.


After the events from the Night of the Walking Dead, our heroes faced the reconstruction of a mostly destroyed town. Most of the townsfolk had already started the cleansing of the town, showing their resilience against both natural and unnatural events. They gathered the dead, family and stranger, and took them to the base of Cemetery Hill. They looked up to the paladin, Sir Frederick, for comfort and reassurance. He inspired a deep hope of the worst times being over. They also got to acknowledge that even the Vistani spawn has been of help, avoiding total annihilation of the townsfolk. Our heroes grimly stared at the candle lit at the center of their table in the Full Moon Inn. The priest of Osiris didn’t make it, giving his lifeforce in the end for their sake, and that shadow kept gloom on the group. Their victory seem empty at a personal level, but the townsfolk was at least spared a grimmer fate.

Just two days after the impending flood followed by the red moon and Marcel Tarascon’s attempt to destroy everything in search of Hyskosa’s scroll, Luc Tarascon seemed to have been transformed from a mindless mouse into a clever businessman. He was deeply involved with the townspeople, giving them direction and also trying to figure out how to help the plantation and its workers. The plantation is the heart of the town, the main source of income for the townsfolk. Luc pledged to make right of all of his brothers wrongs… a daunting task. While the losses are counted and the resources are divided equally, some townsfolk have become alarmed at the sudden disappearance of loved ones. Constable Gremin was approached by the carpenter, whose 5 year old son went missing. Two ladies showed up also concerned about their husbands. And later on, the carpenter’s kids reported he also has gone missing. Gremin suspected that nearby threats had lured those innocents into the swamp. He looked to Shaman Brucian for answers, and the shaman took into himself the quest to help his townsfolk.

After not hearing back from Brucian, Gremin went to the Half Moon Inn to ask the heroes to look into the situation, and also look for the shaman. Sir Frederick immediately volunteered to find the missing townsfolk. Kelar and newfound ally Orion (a swashbuckling elf) joined as well. They headed out into the swamp, finding nothing in the shaman’s old high hut and plenty of disturbances thanks to the flood, fleeing townsfolk, and disturbed nature. They wandered into an area with high gaseous flammable substance that suddenly burst creating a flaming pyre consuming everything at its path. Sir Fred was caught on it, becoming badly burn and on the edge of death.

Kelar and Orion managed to bring him back to MaraisD’Tarascon, but without the local healer, Shaman Brucian, they found little help. They tended to Sir Frederick the best they could, wrapping him up in bandages. Orion found a local seer that advised looking for the help of a powerful LOA, the Maiden of the Swamp. She also advised that the missing may be found at the heart of the swamp, where the zygurat rises. The missing are in danger and must be saved before the next Full Moon… That is the night where dark magic is called upon by many, and dark LOAs feast on the innocent. Luc came upon them and suggested trying to find he shaman and the Maiden with his help. Behind his plantation is a river that goes into the swamp, and he managed to get a ramp vessel appropriate for the travel. Kelar and Orion prepped unconscious Sir Frederick and took him to the vessel, loading him there. Luc agreed to accompany Kelar and Sir Fred. Orion insisted on going through the swamp path not the river, and decided to go on his own.



Our heroes went to the plantation manor, and found out the eerie truth. The undead servants in the manor were gone. The manor had several unnerving items, among them the wine barrels filled with corpses. Outside, the servants house had a secret entry to a vault of rum.

Storm, flood. The whole town of Marais DTarascon was under water. Through the unnatural storm, our heroes decided to go to Cemetery Hill and find answers. The way towards the cemetery was filled with undead... The night of the living dead was upon them.

They faced the old cemetery's entrance, sealed in thick vines. Going over the wall that secludes it, our hearoes checked the old mausoleums until they found the biggest one, the Tarascon Family Old Mausoleum. In there, they faced Marcel Tarascon, Luc's brother, whose obsession with the Hexad Prophecies of Hyskosa facilitated his turning into a zombie lord.

The showdown against Marcel was marked by an un-natural Blood Moon that for a moment paralyzed all undead... Our heroes were able to take advantage of this, and finished Marcel off. Kelar had been cursed by Marcel and death was upon him. Erasmus saved him at the cost of his own mortality, all that was left of him was his Holy Symbol of Osiris.

Marai's DTarascon was to see a new dawn, but at a high price.