Sunday, September 30, 2018


Fredirich Van Fulkoph wandered into a path that lead through deep mists. He saw a light in the distance, but ignored it. He met giant frogs, whom he easily handled. A centipede found its way through his leg, but he was able to toss it aside. Coming back to initial path where he saw the light, he found the light was not there anymore. Checking with his torch, he saw that the area behind the bushes was covered with swamp water. He noticed a hidden raft and found a pole nearby. As he tried moving the raft, he saw the raft had a glow underneath it and a strong sudden wind made him close his eyes. Upon opening them, he was no longer in the same location, he faced a small isle in the water, with a hut made of sugar cane and bamboo and hay ceiling. Fred met an odd old man named ChickenBone. ChickenBone directed him to take the raft and go to the nearby villa.

As Fred got in the raft, it glowed a bit and after a swift wind and opening his eyes he found himself facing a plantation. A muddy way lead to the town, passing through the sugar cane plantation. Right and left were covered areas of sugar cane. The area was pitch black, the torch being the only source of light. The sound of frogs and insects buzzing comforted you as you have come to realize that silence means trouble. After a while, you notice a clearing on the right side, and a giant house, a manor for the looks of it, flanked by a smaller that seems to be some kind of barn. No light sources at all. Fred decided to keep going as he knew it was past midnight and it seemed no one would answer.

The main way had few houses left and right... A hill flanked the town... A giant wall around the hill hinted that something else was there, but it was barely seen through darkness... The shape was a silhouette drawn by  the contrast of night wersus lightning... a silent lightning that outlined giant clouds and everything under such heaven in the pitch black night. In the town there was only one meager light, from a small house flanking the church. Fred met the shaman Brucian who was tending to Kelar and Erasmus. Brucian offered a simple meal and a place to stay for the night. Next day, Fred meets Kelar and Erasmus. Kelar went with Fred, looking for the constable so Fred can offer his services to the town. The constable was not at home. Next stop, the Full Moon Inn.

At the Inn, Katrina and Norris were in the same table with constable Gremin. They seemed to be arguing about the bear encounter at the manor. Fred offer his services and is updated with what has been going on in the town. Fred, constable and Kelar decide to go to the manor to find out werabouts of the servants. As they go out, a woman follows them at a distance.

Meanwhile, Erasmus had stayed at the church to pay respects to Osiris. After a while he noticed that Luc was standing at the entrance of the church staring at him. Luc reacts babbling the same scrambled verses he keeps repeating at all times. Erasmus tries talking to him, but the lad is basically looking through him talking nonsense. As Erasmus decodes to leave and heads out, he catches a glimpse of a curved blade wielded by a man in a black hooded cape. Erasmus turns and cast  a command: "Stop". For a moment the blade was kept in the air, and Luc moved away both surprised and afraid.

After the sudden halt, the mystery man tried to escape, but Erasmus threw himself over him, holding him down. They both struggled, but Erasmus used his mace to control the stranger in the floor  without harming him.

Kelar, Fred and the constable arrived in time to witness how Erasmus captured the guy and unmasked him. The constable immediately identified the man as Jean Tarascon. Fred, Kelar and constable took Jean to the jail. The constable will stay there as he also needs to contact the mayor at Port Del'Hour to explain the situation... Fred, Erasmus and Kelar are heading towards the plantation's manor to get some answers.

They noticed the woman that was at the inn was still following them.

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